Sunset 88
Rendering, Design, Modeling: Yauheni Baturytski

As evening falls and the golden hour begins, the living room transforms into a sanctuary of calm and warmth. Long shadows dance across the space, filling it with a sense of quiet tranquillity. With the lights dimmed, the room radiates a cosy atmosphere, inviting you to relax and enjoy the moment.
The soft hum of the TV serves as a gentle soundtrack to the evening, while the subtle rustle of autumn leaves adds to the melody of nature. In this atmosphere of modern comfort, time seems to stand still, allowing for reflection and socialising.

As dusk falls, the living room becomes more than just a room - it becomes a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Here, amidst the soothing hues of twilight, one can truly appreciate the beauty of simplicity and the power of silence.

Sunset 88


Sunset 88
